ABOUT Atlantis Healthcare LLC

Atlantis Healthcare LLC specializes in providing top-notch healthcare staffing. With a focus on integrity, reliability, and personalized service, we strive to exceed expectations and positively impact the facilities or healthcare professionals we serve. Find top-tier talent or meaningful opportunities right here!

woman having a consultation with her doctor


We want to provide care to those who need it and also help to staff who provide care. We believe the services are affordable. We are also available from anywhere in the United States. We understand our customer’s needs to be treated with respect and dignity.

happy young nurse in uniform


We envision a world where healthcare professionals are empowered to pursue their passions and fulfill their potential and where healthcare facilities thrive with the support of skilled, compassionate teams. Through integrity, innovation, and service excellence, we strive to turn this vision into a reality, one placement at a time.

We Help Solve Most of Your Challenges

Atlantis's experts develop and implement comprehensive strategies to solve your workforce balance. We partner with the team specialist to ensure you have the resources you need. This allows us to deliver high-quality care for your patients and be your best physically and mentally.